"Without inner change there can be no outer change.
Without collective change, no change matters."
Angel Kyodo Williams
Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) was developed at Stanford University by Dr. Thubten Jinpa, English translator for the Dalai Lama and author of the acclaimed book A Fearless Heart: Why compassion is the key to greater wellbeing. The program draws on insights and techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice and integrates evidence-based meditation techniques, interactive discussions, as well as real-world exercises to put learning into practice. Research suggests consistent practice of CCT™ meditations can lead to:
A highly interactive online group training consisting of weekly two-hour classes combined with daily meditation practices.
Week 1: Settling and Focusing the Mind
Week 2: Loving Kindness and Compassion for a Loved One
Week 3: Compassion for Oneself
Week 4: Loving-Kindness for Oneself
Week 5: Embracing Shared Common Humanity and Developing Appreciation for Others
Week 6: Cultivating Compassion for Others
Week 7: Active Compassion Practice
Week 8: Integrated Daily Compassion Cultivation Practice
As the benefits of contemplative practice have been found to be dose-dependent, participants are encouraged to undertake 20 minutes of home practice per day during the program in order to feel the full benefit of the training.
Compassion is an innate human quality that scientific study has revealed to be very helpful to relieve stress, burnout, and other challenging life situations.
Compassion training offers a way to harness and apply the power of our awareness, our intention and our imagination
Thupten Jinpa, Ph.D., co-founder and president of Compassion Institute, describes what the mission, work, and vision is for Compassion Institute.
A 1,200 year old Tibetan Buddhist prophecy of ’The Shambhala Warrior’. It tells of the rising of regular people who wish to bring about great change and healing through the powers of Compassion and Insight.
Mark McMordie is co-author of Mindfulness for Coaches (2017), contributor to Ecological and Climate Conscious Coaching (2023) and CEO of The Compassionate Leader. He is an experienced organization development consultant, executive coach and compassion teacher, having trained with The Compassion Institute and The Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University. He has facilitated contemplative groups for over 20 years, and following articles in Coaching at Work has presented on Mindfulness, Psychological Safety & Innovation for the Association for Coaching and Institute of Coaching, as well as the International Coach Federation, and European Mentoring & Coaching Council.